

Sunday, May 31, 2015

This is a video to learn you about the weather.
These are some pictures to explain and to show the different kind of the weather.

 Describing the weather using verbs.

Below is list of the different types of weather you are most likely to use.

* The sun is shining       * It's drizzling (light rain)       * The wind is blowing     * It's raining (The rain is falling.)* It's hail (hail stones)    * It's pouring down (The rain is pouring down.)              * It's snowing (The snow is falling.)      * It's thundering and lightening

Describing the weather using adjectives 

Sweltering = It's sweltering. or It's a sweltering day.          Freezing = It's freezing. or It's a freezing day.
Warm = It's warn. or It's a warm day.                               Cold = It's cold. or It's a cold day.
Sunny = It's sunny. or It's a sunny day.                            Cloudy = It's cloudy. or It's a cloudy day.
Clear = It's clear. or It's a clear day.                                 Stormy = It's stormy. or It's a stormy day.
Misty = It's misty. or It's a misty day.                               Foggy = It's foggy. or It's a foggy day.
Breezy = It's breezy. or It's a breezy day                          Windy = It's windy. or It's a windy day.
Showery = It's showery. or It's a showery day.                 Rainy = It's rainy. or It's a rainy day.
Frosty = It's frosty. or It's a frosty day.                            Snowy = It's snowy. or It's a snowy day.
Icy = It's icy. or It's an icy day.                                       Drizzly = It's drizzly. or It's a drizzly day.
 Dry = It's dry. or It's a dry day.

How to ask questions about the weather and how they can be answered. 

What's it like outside?  It's really cold now.
How's the weather? It's minus ten. (-10 degrees)
Do you have rain? We have not had any rain for many weeks.
What's the temperature in Manchester? Today it is 22 degrees Celsius which is a lot warmer then it has been.
It's snowing here in Manchester, what's it doing there? It's raining really hard.)
What's the weather forecast for the rest of the week? They're saying we will have blue skies for the rest of the week.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

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